Terms of Agreement 2024-2025 Trainings
The season runs from September 3 2024 until June 18 2025 and consist of 36 weeks.

During the school vacations there will be no classes, unless this has been agreed differentially.
Autumn vacation October 26 – November 3
Christmas December 21 – January 5
Spring February 22 – March 2
May vacation April 18 – May 4

The applicant will take part in the class from the agreed starting date until the end of the season.
Subscribing only through the application form on the website: www.irisvanpeppen.com
When subscribed you automatically agree with these terms of agreement.  Participating one of the trainings of Iris van Peppen means an agreement on these terms.

Joining a training during the season is possible when agreed with the teacher. It is also possible to enroll from one training to the other during the season when advised by the teacher.

When an applicant wants to cancel their agreement during the season it is only possible until February 1 2025. The applicant needs to send an e-mail cancelation before the 1th of January 2025. The applicant will need to pay until February 1 2025. When payed too much, the course money will be reimbursed accordingly. Cancelations received after January the 1th can not be taken into consideration, the applicant will have to pay for the whole amount of the course money.
When the applicant needs to cancel their agreement because of illness or injury they have to write a cancelation letter accompanied by a valid doctors declaration. Then there will be a 1 calender month notice after receiving this by Iris van Peppen.

The course money is the fee as noticed on the most recent info like website/flyer. 21% VAT is included in this fee and stands for the whole season (10 months from September – June / 36 weeks). The fee comes to €8,80 or €9,50 per hour.
Payment can be made by IBAN: NL85ABNA0556976134
Iris van Peppen, stating ‘ name course’.
We prefer monthly payment in advance.
All payment must be done at the beginning of a term:
– Whole year: sept 3
- Monthly: at the beginning of the month
- in different terms: at the beginning of a term

When the teacher is ill or cases of force majeure there will be done the outmost to find a suitable replacement. For the Tuesday training participants work independently. Iris van Peppen is allowed to cancel 3 trainings during the season because of illness/force majeure, without reimbursement. When there will be missed over 3 trainings during the whole season because of illness of the teacher, the teacher will first make up for these missed trainings by offering alternative dates. If this is not possible by the teacher, the applicant will receive a reimbursement for those missed trainings. This amount will be calculated at the end of the season.
In case of lost trainings due to an external force majeure such as the pandemic a reimbursement will not be given. However we will do the outmost to come to an alternative agreement such as outdoor- online – extra trainings during the summer or discount for a next period. This is done in close conversation with the participants and with the interest to be able to keep the studio and therefor the trainings and workshops.
Reimbursement for missed trainigs by the participant will not be made. When an applicant had to miss trainings by all means it is possible to catch up in other groups when discussed with the teacher. Catching up trainings can only be made within 1 month after the missed training, or in communication with the teacher, yet it has to be within the contract period.

Iris van Peppen is not liable for injury, theaft, damaged or lost goods.
When necessary the terms of agreement can be adjusted during a season.

Terms of agreement workshops 2024-2025 WORKSHOPS

Subscribing can only go through the application form on the website: www.irisvanpeppen.com.
After signing this form and the terms of agreement the subscription is mandatory. Participating one of the workshops of Iris van Peppen means an agreement on these terms.

When an applicant wants to cancel their subscription this is only possible until 2 weeks prior to the start of the workshop. Cancelations shorter than 2 weeks prior to the workshop will not be taken into consideration. Then the participants payment is mandatory. For the Summer Intensive the cancelation period is 4 weeks. Participants canceling after will not be considered and applicants payment is mandatory.

The fee of the workshop is the fee noticed on the most recent info website/flyer/mailing. The participants will receive an e-mail with the details such as IBAN for the payment of the workshops.

When a workshop is canceled due to less participants or illness of the teacher Iris van Peppen will reimburse the payed fee.
Reimbursement due to illness, injury or other reasons by the participant will not be taken into consideration, payment of the applicant is mandatory.

Iris van Peppen is not liable for injury, theaft, damaged or lost goods. When necessary the terms of agreement can be adjusted during a season.